Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We are done with the bathroom renovation! Hooray! My arms are killing me from painting, tiling, scrubbing, cleaning...etc. My legs are sore and my dogs are a-barkin'! I've been taking a break from my workouts because of this renovation made for very, very late nights and a lot of physical work. However, now that it is DONE I need to begin my routine again. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited! Maybe I'm just on a high from the bathroom being finished... Maybe not... Well, whatever. I'm motivated today!


I love how it turned out! It really is just beautiful.  I love the feeling of accomplishment when hard work pays off.

So, this is a multiple day blog. I'm feeling really motivated lately and just plain good! Yesterday, just for kicks, I weighed myself in the morning right when I woke up and at night right before bed. Though it was not much, it made me smile when I saw the numbers on the scale be slightly less at night than in the morning! My jeans are fitting a little looser and the numbers keep getting smaller.

As of today, I am 26 pounds lighter than I was on the day I found out I was pregnant and a whopping 40 pounds less than the day I gave birth to my awesome son! Sure, over 20 pounds of that was baby, placenta and water weight from post partum pre-eclampsia, but still...  :)

I have joined the HealthyLoserGal's March Challenge. It consists of choosing 24 days of March to be active for 30 minutes and making a healthy goal for June. My goal is to lose 18-20 pounds by June. That will keep me on track for the 80 pounds I want to lose by next February. I'm pretty sure I will rock that.  I'm feeling very confident! 

I've been making delicious meals, lately, full of veggies and other yummy, low calorie, good-for-you goodies! It's become easier to stick to my calories goal without feeling like I'm starving thanks to eating all the RIGHT foods instead of just diet foods. Work-outs are going well. It was nice out yesterday, so a walk was in order and then, after Bo went to bed, I jumped on the treadmill for a short run. I've caught a nasty cold, and it's settled in my chest, so it was a little too hard to breathe for a very long one. However, I did it. I did it without feeling like I "HAD" to. I did it because I WANTED to. :)

I just want to do a little dance and scream into the sky! I feel good!! 

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