Monday, March 28, 2011

Lazy Sunday

It was a super lazy Sunday in my house. We decided that it was a movie-marathon day. 5 movies. It was awesome. A couple of the movies weren't very good, but I'm glad we watched them anyway. Well, one I could have done without watching, but it wasn't the worst I've ever seen.

We started with "Tron." Have you seen this? If so, do you know what the hell was going on? I watched the whole thing, PAID ATTENTION even, and have no clue what that movie was about. The rest were horror movies and creepy situational movies (abandoned on a ski-lift chair, alone in the woods, etc.).

I wanted to do my Couch to 5K workout after our last movie, but baby-cakes wouldn't go to bed and we had a little bit of unexpected company. So, I want to double my workout today. I'm not dreading it. In fact, I feel pretty good and, well, excited. On Saturday, I surprised myself  by telling Scott, "Honey, I really want to get a workout in before we leave for the birthday party today." *Sharp intake of breath, HUGE smile* 

I surprised him, too. 

Downstairs I went, put on some good tunes, hopped on the treadmill, and commenced to treadmill dancing, jogging, and over-all having a good time. It was awesome. It felt great. 

I'm still working on those moderation goals. Honestly, I didn't give them much thought over the weekend, but I will this week. 

No real change in the scale numbers, but I'm not judging my progress by that alone. Clothes are looser and my face is thinner. Gonna keep doin' what I'm doin' and the scale will catch up. 

How did you spend your weekend? 


  1. MEG!!!
    Ok... Time for a fun nugget. I read the finniest book of my life about 2 years ago, it was called "Such a Pretty Fat" by Jen Lancaster. I would reccomend it to anyone who:
    *struggles with weight
    *has ever struggled with weight
    *knows someone who has ever struggled with weight
    *anyone who has known a woman
    *any reader who is looking for a good laugh, and then another, followed by 100 more...

    On the first page of her book, it says,
    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
    An old Weight Watcher's axiom

    "Weight watchers can kiss the fattest part of my ass."
    A Jen Lancaster axiom

    Thought you would like it....
    On a more serious note, Thanks for putting this out there for us and for yourself. It makes me want to try just a little harder to reach those goals for ME and no one else, because I am worth it. Thanks for taking the words right out of my mind!


  2. ha! That's awesome. I'm going to find that now to read. Wish we were still in the same town to work on it together! And then sit on our sexy, but fat, big asses and do some scrapbooking.
