Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Minute Friday (Borrowed idea from The Inspired Housewife! Thanks)

I was reading through my favorite blogs this morning and was inspired! Inspired by the Inspired Housewife!   The rules are simple. Write for 5 minutes. The end.

Today's prompt (also borrowed from her blog... great idea!): My favorite things

1.  The summer sunlight coming in through the window
2.  When my son gives me "kisses"
3.  Completing a really cute card for someone
4.  Frost on bare tree branches
5.  Lying in the hammock, looking at the blue sky through tree branches
6.  Slipping on my favorite pair of jeans
7.  Getting a package in the mail
8.  Making my husband laugh
9.  Cuddling with my son
10. When windshield wipers or blinkers go in time with the music on the radio

It's a good day. Will write about weight-loss stuff later. :) Take some time and think about your favorite things... I would love to hear about them.

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