Wednesday, March 30, 2011


OMG! OMG! I won a blog giveaway! This is actually the SECOND one I have won and I'm amazed! I never win ANYTHING!

I'm super excited about this one, mostly because one of the prizes is a box of new CHOBANI flavors! I love that yogurt SO much! My taste buds are dancing in anticipation. Scott likes it too, which is shocking considering how picky he used to be about food. Can you believe that he didn't start eating vegetables until I started making him 2 years ago?! Seriously, he only ate corn and potatoes. Lettuce used to make him gag. Now he asks for a dinner salad before his meal when we go out to eat. That was all my doings. I guess I'm just amazing. I make miracles happen.

Anyway, there are lots of other goodies included and I cannot wait to find the package waiting for me at my doorstep.

It's from Anda's Leaving Fatville's blog.  Really, I'm not lying. I won the grand prize. Check it out and read my story that won. I am so grateful to Anda for choosing me. She is an amazingly sweet, inspiring and supportive person and I'm so glad "met" her on Twitter. :) (@leavingfatville)

So, my weight is at a stand-still and I'm getting a little frustrated. I know it will happen, the pounds will slip right off, but I want to see the numbers on the scale fall now.  I'm still doing the c25k program and on my rest days, I'm doing low-impact walking and some EA Active for the Wii. Hopefully, I'll start seeing results soon. Tonight I'm supposed to be resting, but really, I feel the need to be more active, so c25k tonight, w2, d1. I'll be running for 90 seconds at a time now...I'm a little nervous. However, a Prior Fat Girl I really admire, Lindsay, is doing the same program and just did week 4, day 1 where you run for 5 minutes straight! She ROCKED it! So, I know I can run for a insignificant 90 seconds!

I've been slacking on my water a bit in the last couple of days and boy, oh boy, does my body feel it! I'm achy. I feel old. So today, hydrate is the name of the game.  I've also been feeling a complete lack of energy. I don't think I'm eating enough. Now that I'm burning more calories, I'm left with a caloric intake of about 700-800 a day and I think I need to make sure that my net caloric intake is 1200. I really don't think I'm taking in enough. So, I'm going to watch that. I definitely don't want my body to think it's starving. I won't lose any weight that way. Eat to lose, that's what I have to do now. What do you think?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lazy Sunday

It was a super lazy Sunday in my house. We decided that it was a movie-marathon day. 5 movies. It was awesome. A couple of the movies weren't very good, but I'm glad we watched them anyway. Well, one I could have done without watching, but it wasn't the worst I've ever seen.

We started with "Tron." Have you seen this? If so, do you know what the hell was going on? I watched the whole thing, PAID ATTENTION even, and have no clue what that movie was about. The rest were horror movies and creepy situational movies (abandoned on a ski-lift chair, alone in the woods, etc.).

I wanted to do my Couch to 5K workout after our last movie, but baby-cakes wouldn't go to bed and we had a little bit of unexpected company. So, I want to double my workout today. I'm not dreading it. In fact, I feel pretty good and, well, excited. On Saturday, I surprised myself  by telling Scott, "Honey, I really want to get a workout in before we leave for the birthday party today." *Sharp intake of breath, HUGE smile* 

I surprised him, too. 

Downstairs I went, put on some good tunes, hopped on the treadmill, and commenced to treadmill dancing, jogging, and over-all having a good time. It was awesome. It felt great. 

I'm still working on those moderation goals. Honestly, I didn't give them much thought over the weekend, but I will this week. 

No real change in the scale numbers, but I'm not judging my progress by that alone. Clothes are looser and my face is thinner. Gonna keep doin' what I'm doin' and the scale will catch up. 

How did you spend your weekend? 

Friday, March 25, 2011

And the seasons change...

I have a lot to write about today. A lot.

First, and most importantly, I need to say how HAPPY I am to be alive. Life is awesome, even when it's not, it REALLY is. Does that make sense?

Secondly, (and this is exciting) I've started the Couch to 5K running program. Wednesday night was my first night. It consisted of a 5 minute warm-up walk and then alternating 60 sec. of jogging with 90 sec. of walking. Honestly, I tried it Wednesday afternoon, but I started running TOO fast and couldn't finish the workout. So, that night, I tried again and a little slower speed and was able to knock it out! I felt SO accomplished and proud of myself. The sweat running down my face was like a reward. Tonight is week 1, day 2. Dare I say... I'm kinda excited about it... :) I can't wait to tell my sister that I'm doing this. I would love to run a 5K with her someday. Being active together was never something we could really do and I'm looking forward to being able to.

My weight is fluctuating a couple pounds day by day, but I'm not worrying about it. I know, because I'm keeping such good track of the food I eat, that most of it is due to differing levels of fluid intake. I'm hoping to get that 5 lbs I wanted off by Easter off by the end of the month instead. I only have 2 lbs to go, so I think it's do-able. 

Last night, we went out to dinner with my in-laws. I really need to remind myself that I cannot eat as much as I used to. I got excited about a cheeseburger and felt bloated and terrible after I ate it. Scott ate too much, too. We realized that instead of ordering these big meals, we need to listen to our bodies and when we're feeling full from the dinner salad before the main course to STOP there. We both felt satisfied after eating the salad, so there was no need to eat more. Live and learn, right? Now we know for next time. This, I think, is a major breakthrough for two overweight people who love to eat out! :)

I have been in a huge funk lately. I suffer from mild Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Here is the definition, courtesy of

Seasonal affective disorder (also called SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year. If you're like most people with seasonal affective disorder, your symptoms start in the fall and may continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. Less often, seasonal affective disorder causes depression in the spring or early summer.

I say it's mild, because I don't feel the need for anti-depressants. It only really affects me for a couple weeks at a time, mostly during the time the seasons are changing... the transition from one to the other. I really have a hard time when it's warm for a few days and then BOOM! It snows or is cold again. Most of the time, the cure is a good, long sit in a patch of sun, but for me this is a double edged sword. 

You see, I have a sun allergy. I break out in hives if I'm in the sun too long (20 minutes), or it's too hot. If I want to be outside for a longer amount of time, I have to either cover up or apply sunscreen every 10 minutes. Even these methods aren't foolproof. But really, how CRUEL is that?! The cure for my depression is the worst allergy I have! Not fair, Mother Nature! Not fair! 

That brings me to my next topic: moderation. Moderation is so important. For eating, for sun exposure, for balancing family time and "me" time, for spending money... It's a hard thing to learn, but it's necessary. I need to work on moderation. I'm going to work on some goals for this, not really sure how to state it yet.. so I'm going to think about it and get back to you. 

OH! OH! I almost FORGOT! How could I forget this?!?! is looking for a Future Prior Fat Girl MOM edition! I nominated myself EARLY this morning. I might not be chosen, and that's okay! I'm just happy I did it. :) (But seriously, how awesome would it be if I could be part of the Prior Fat Girl family?! They are SO inspirational!) 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Not so much weight related.

 I miss my friends. I hate that all my best friends live HOURS away from me.  I miss them all so much. I miss having L. right down the street. I miss being roommates with M. Hell, I just miss her being in the same town as me. I miss being able to hop on over to A's house whenever I wanted. I'm lonely.  I have such amazing friends and I miss being able to hang out with them. :(

Don't get me wrong, I have friends here, but we are still in that "getting to know you" phase. We hang out when our husbands hang out and that's about it. We're all so busy with our families, too, it makes it hard to form friendships like before... when responsibilities were less, when our time wasn't so valuable and to-do-list ridden.

*sigh* Sad and lonely today.

On another note, I wish someone would buy/give me an elliptical. I really want one. Oh, and new shoes. My sneakers are shot. And jeans... I guess the list could go on and on... Any takers? I mean, buyers? I would love you forever! Promise!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Short and sweet

Another pound gone today. I'm now down 21 lbs. since I started this little journey. About 9 pounds down since I started blogging about it. Am I excited? Hell yes I am. Am I proud of myself? You better believe it. Finally, finally I am doing it. I am finally accomplishing something and I have no desire to stop. I'm trying new foods everyday, new flavors and textures together and I love it. I made a delicious pasta sauce using Greek yogurt last night and loved it. No more craving creamy sauces! Now I can make my own healthy version! Yesterday, I went to lunch with my mom and did NOT have a soda. Drank 2 glasses of water. Ate a steak from Applebee's Under 550 menu, and did not eat the potatoes that came with. I had no need. The 4 oz grilled steak and steamed veggies were enough. I love not feeling bloated from eating too much, which was a common thing before I started really listening to my body.

I have 3 lbs more to go to meet my mini-goal I set for myself in my last blog post and then it's sister-shopping-fun day! Hooray!

Sorry this is short, but I have a very busy day planned. Lots to do before leaving town for the weekend. I swear, babies add hours to every activity that should only take minutes!

Love you all, my short list of readers. Thanks for believing in me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm back!

So, I haven't been posting because I have been super busy making new cards for my shop! I'm so excited about how they are turning out and I wish I knew how to get more exposure. I would love to make a business out of this instead of just a hobby. I want to make more customizable cards and get some samples of wedding invites up and maybe that will help sales.

I've been stuck at the same weight for a few days now and it's super frustrating. Even more so when my hubs comes out of the bathroom one day to say "hey! I've lost 10 lbs since last month!" Uh.. Great honey. Awesome. Glad all that exercise is paying off... Oh wait, that's me on the treadmill every night while you play video games... *sigh*

I haven't gained any, which is good. I still need new pants, but I've decided to wait til I lose 5 more lbs before shopping. Then it will be more of a reward! That gives me something to work for. 5 lbs and I get to go shopping! What a motivator! I want to lose this 5 lbs by Easter. Mini goal set. Here I go.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back on track.

After a weekend that wasn't so healthy, I am finally back on track. I'm back to the weight I was at before the girl scout cookies, beer, wine, and party food. I am relieved. I do not want to fail myself again. I was so afraid that I was going to give in to the little thoughts rattling around in my brain, "Go ahead, have a soda, eat some m&m''ve already failed..." BUT I didn't. I did not. I held strong.

I am not going to fail myself.

Earlier today, I was thinking about how I need a "fat" friend. All of my new friends here are skinny. Skinny and beautiful. They're wonderful and I enjoy the time we spend together, but I feel HUGE and UGLY next to them. I wish there was someone who was more my size and wanted to be my workout buddy. It's no fun going it all alone. Throwing myself a pity party here, sorry. I guess I'm just a little lonely... A lot lonely for someone who is where I am.

I was also thinking about this blog. Thinking about WHY I am writing it. I am not a very good writer. I've known this forever and have come to terms with it. I'm not very funny, insightful or inspiring. I'm okay with that. I guess, I'm writing this for myself.  The fact that someone else can see it, that someone else can read it, merely holds me accountable for the goals I'm setting and, well, correct grammar. Accountability is good. Doing something for myself is good. Together, they are great.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, Monday...

Well, this weekend was a bit of a disaster. It was a fun, fun weekend which was the problem. I ate too much, I drank a little more than I am used to and didn't sweat as much or move as much as I should have. I've gained a bit and when I say "a bit" I mean like 2 pounds.

Ick. Way to go.

Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day and healthy living for someone who hasn't lived well for a few years isn't going to happen all at once, either. That's okay.

Monday, Monday, time to get back on track.

I have to give myself some credit, I did workout last night, harder than I have in a very, very long time. I was exhausted and it felt wonderful. So good, in fact, that I want to do it again, this morning!

AND I made a very delicious, very healthy breakfast scramble this morning. I would have taken a picture, because it was pretty, but I'm sure my dear husband would have thought I was nuts. I'll save meal pictures for when he's not around. ;)

On a completely different note, I have some very exciting news! I am donating 5 blank note cards for a blog giveaway! Through Twitter, I have met a woman who is a HUGE inspiration to me. She has gone through the same journey as I'm on with amazing success! HealthyLoserGal can be followed on Twitter or Facebook, and links to her blog can be found on either profile. Or here. From March 19 to the end of the month, she will be giving away prizes to her readers and one of them is going to be MY cards!! I'm so excited and honored! So, head on over there, follow her, read about her success and be ready for some amazing giveaways!

Watch for this giveaway and others March 19-the end of the month at HealthyLoserGal's Blog.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Girl Scout, thy name is Sabotage...

Damn you Girl Scout, delicious, peanut-buttery, chocolate cookie(s). Damn you.

So, yesterday is when I wrote the line above. I ate way, WAY, too many cookies. My weight is up 2 lbs from yesterday. It sucks, but I'm not discouraged. I'm still 5 lbs less than I was last week! I told my husband when he came home that he HAD to take the rest of the cookies to work and hide them from me over the weekend, or else...! A picture of me rolling through the house like Violet the giant blueberry from Willy Wonka rooolllllss (ha!) through my head right now... Cookies = giant, roly-poly Meg.

In my last post, I mentioned that I joined a March challenge to exercises for 30 minutes 24 days out of the month. Last night I took a break because I had to work on other things and spend time with the Fam, but because of my *ahem* slip.. I feel it would only be right to make my work out twice as long today. As of right now, I am not in good enough shape to run for more than 15 mintues without completely dying, so what I have been doing is intervals of brisk walking and jogging. I hope, in time, to be able to run throughout my entire treadmill time, and eventually start weight training to build my strength up and gain some definition. Right now, though, I am happy with what I can do.

I do have good news, I am down a pant size! Which prompts more good news, I need to go
shopping! Hopefully, I will have even more good news after this weekend! Not giving up! Cookies won't get me down!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We are done with the bathroom renovation! Hooray! My arms are killing me from painting, tiling, scrubbing, cleaning...etc. My legs are sore and my dogs are a-barkin'! I've been taking a break from my workouts because of this renovation made for very, very late nights and a lot of physical work. However, now that it is DONE I need to begin my routine again. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited! Maybe I'm just on a high from the bathroom being finished... Maybe not... Well, whatever. I'm motivated today!


I love how it turned out! It really is just beautiful.  I love the feeling of accomplishment when hard work pays off.

So, this is a multiple day blog. I'm feeling really motivated lately and just plain good! Yesterday, just for kicks, I weighed myself in the morning right when I woke up and at night right before bed. Though it was not much, it made me smile when I saw the numbers on the scale be slightly less at night than in the morning! My jeans are fitting a little looser and the numbers keep getting smaller.

As of today, I am 26 pounds lighter than I was on the day I found out I was pregnant and a whopping 40 pounds less than the day I gave birth to my awesome son! Sure, over 20 pounds of that was baby, placenta and water weight from post partum pre-eclampsia, but still...  :)

I have joined the HealthyLoserGal's March Challenge. It consists of choosing 24 days of March to be active for 30 minutes and making a healthy goal for June. My goal is to lose 18-20 pounds by June. That will keep me on track for the 80 pounds I want to lose by next February. I'm pretty sure I will rock that.  I'm feeling very confident! 

I've been making delicious meals, lately, full of veggies and other yummy, low calorie, good-for-you goodies! It's become easier to stick to my calories goal without feeling like I'm starving thanks to eating all the RIGHT foods instead of just diet foods. Work-outs are going well. It was nice out yesterday, so a walk was in order and then, after Bo went to bed, I jumped on the treadmill for a short run. I've caught a nasty cold, and it's settled in my chest, so it was a little too hard to breathe for a very long one. However, I did it. I did it without feeling like I "HAD" to. I did it because I WANTED to. :)

I just want to do a little dance and scream into the sky! I feel good!!