Wednesday, March 30, 2011


OMG! OMG! I won a blog giveaway! This is actually the SECOND one I have won and I'm amazed! I never win ANYTHING!

I'm super excited about this one, mostly because one of the prizes is a box of new CHOBANI flavors! I love that yogurt SO much! My taste buds are dancing in anticipation. Scott likes it too, which is shocking considering how picky he used to be about food. Can you believe that he didn't start eating vegetables until I started making him 2 years ago?! Seriously, he only ate corn and potatoes. Lettuce used to make him gag. Now he asks for a dinner salad before his meal when we go out to eat. That was all my doings. I guess I'm just amazing. I make miracles happen.

Anyway, there are lots of other goodies included and I cannot wait to find the package waiting for me at my doorstep.

It's from Anda's Leaving Fatville's blog.  Really, I'm not lying. I won the grand prize. Check it out and read my story that won. I am so grateful to Anda for choosing me. She is an amazingly sweet, inspiring and supportive person and I'm so glad "met" her on Twitter. :) (@leavingfatville)

So, my weight is at a stand-still and I'm getting a little frustrated. I know it will happen, the pounds will slip right off, but I want to see the numbers on the scale fall now.  I'm still doing the c25k program and on my rest days, I'm doing low-impact walking and some EA Active for the Wii. Hopefully, I'll start seeing results soon. Tonight I'm supposed to be resting, but really, I feel the need to be more active, so c25k tonight, w2, d1. I'll be running for 90 seconds at a time now...I'm a little nervous. However, a Prior Fat Girl I really admire, Lindsay, is doing the same program and just did week 4, day 1 where you run for 5 minutes straight! She ROCKED it! So, I know I can run for a insignificant 90 seconds!

I've been slacking on my water a bit in the last couple of days and boy, oh boy, does my body feel it! I'm achy. I feel old. So today, hydrate is the name of the game.  I've also been feeling a complete lack of energy. I don't think I'm eating enough. Now that I'm burning more calories, I'm left with a caloric intake of about 700-800 a day and I think I need to make sure that my net caloric intake is 1200. I really don't think I'm taking in enough. So, I'm going to watch that. I definitely don't want my body to think it's starving. I won't lose any weight that way. Eat to lose, that's what I have to do now. What do you think?

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