Friday, March 25, 2011

And the seasons change...

I have a lot to write about today. A lot.

First, and most importantly, I need to say how HAPPY I am to be alive. Life is awesome, even when it's not, it REALLY is. Does that make sense?

Secondly, (and this is exciting) I've started the Couch to 5K running program. Wednesday night was my first night. It consisted of a 5 minute warm-up walk and then alternating 60 sec. of jogging with 90 sec. of walking. Honestly, I tried it Wednesday afternoon, but I started running TOO fast and couldn't finish the workout. So, that night, I tried again and a little slower speed and was able to knock it out! I felt SO accomplished and proud of myself. The sweat running down my face was like a reward. Tonight is week 1, day 2. Dare I say... I'm kinda excited about it... :) I can't wait to tell my sister that I'm doing this. I would love to run a 5K with her someday. Being active together was never something we could really do and I'm looking forward to being able to.

My weight is fluctuating a couple pounds day by day, but I'm not worrying about it. I know, because I'm keeping such good track of the food I eat, that most of it is due to differing levels of fluid intake. I'm hoping to get that 5 lbs I wanted off by Easter off by the end of the month instead. I only have 2 lbs to go, so I think it's do-able. 

Last night, we went out to dinner with my in-laws. I really need to remind myself that I cannot eat as much as I used to. I got excited about a cheeseburger and felt bloated and terrible after I ate it. Scott ate too much, too. We realized that instead of ordering these big meals, we need to listen to our bodies and when we're feeling full from the dinner salad before the main course to STOP there. We both felt satisfied after eating the salad, so there was no need to eat more. Live and learn, right? Now we know for next time. This, I think, is a major breakthrough for two overweight people who love to eat out! :)

I have been in a huge funk lately. I suffer from mild Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Here is the definition, courtesy of

Seasonal affective disorder (also called SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year. If you're like most people with seasonal affective disorder, your symptoms start in the fall and may continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. Less often, seasonal affective disorder causes depression in the spring or early summer.

I say it's mild, because I don't feel the need for anti-depressants. It only really affects me for a couple weeks at a time, mostly during the time the seasons are changing... the transition from one to the other. I really have a hard time when it's warm for a few days and then BOOM! It snows or is cold again. Most of the time, the cure is a good, long sit in a patch of sun, but for me this is a double edged sword. 

You see, I have a sun allergy. I break out in hives if I'm in the sun too long (20 minutes), or it's too hot. If I want to be outside for a longer amount of time, I have to either cover up or apply sunscreen every 10 minutes. Even these methods aren't foolproof. But really, how CRUEL is that?! The cure for my depression is the worst allergy I have! Not fair, Mother Nature! Not fair! 

That brings me to my next topic: moderation. Moderation is so important. For eating, for sun exposure, for balancing family time and "me" time, for spending money... It's a hard thing to learn, but it's necessary. I need to work on moderation. I'm going to work on some goals for this, not really sure how to state it yet.. so I'm going to think about it and get back to you. 

OH! OH! I almost FORGOT! How could I forget this?!?! is looking for a Future Prior Fat Girl MOM edition! I nominated myself EARLY this morning. I might not be chosen, and that's okay! I'm just happy I did it. :) (But seriously, how awesome would it be if I could be part of the Prior Fat Girl family?! They are SO inspirational!) 

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